Many companies are starting to offer perks for employees that consider improving their health. Some companies are adding mobility workstations to the workflow floor plans. This allows the employee to work while using a treadmill and sometimes, elliptical machine. Mark Bertolini is the forward-thinking CEO of Aetna who decided to give his employees monetary incentives for simply getting a restful night of sleep.
The program requirements state that the employee must get seven hours of sleep for at least 20 days in one month. The hours and sleep patterns are tracked by wearing a Fitbit device. For every successful 7 hour night of sleep, within the rules and guidelines, the employee earns a bonus of $25. The company allows each employee to earn up to $500 per year in sleep incentives. That's a great way to encourage a healthy sleep pattern. A restful night will allow more focus and attention to detail. The sleep compensation program is one of the company's most successful and rewarding employee ventures and has caused a significant increase in productivity. Mr. Bertolini is challenging other companies to follow suit.